January-Dec 1995 UFO Reports

This data was obtained from the National UFO Reporting center.

La Crosse, WA (December 29, 1994)

Even though this sighting did not occur during January 1995, I want to cover it here because it is so interesting and well reported. At approximately 2145 hours on Thursday night, December 29, 1994, a mother (with her six children) was driving north on he Zaring Cut-Off Road in southeastern Washington State, just 5 miles north of the Snake River. Several of her children suddenly started shouting, and called the mother's attention to three extraordinarily bright lights above a recently harvested (?) whe t field off to the right (east) side of the road. At first they thought the lights were the landing lights of an airliner at low altitude, perhaps making a forced landing in the field, and flying directly toward them. Then one of the older children sugg sted the lights were (the headlights on) a "semi" (an 18-wheel truck), but they almost immediately realized that description didn't "fit," either.

Suddenly, the family began to see the objects that were attached to the three lights, and they were awed by the vision! They saw three coal black, delta-shaped craft, with articulating structures on their noses, from which the blinding lights were radiat ng. They appeared to be scanning the ground ahead of them. The objects, apparently locked in tight, unwavering formation, slowly drifted across the road (and car) at very low speed, slowly turned left (south) and proceeded south parallel to the road the family was on.

The mother submitted an excellent 3-page report, together with a drawing of one of the crafts she reportedly witnessed that night. In addition, she submitted a detailed drawing of the area and the approximate flight path of the objects.

Drawing of La Crosse, Washington ship provided by witness

The mother reported that the objects were right above their car, they gave off a barely perceptible humming sound ("...like an electric refrigerator..."), and they were close enough that a "person with a good throwing arm could have hit them with a rock." When I talked with her on January 01, 1995, (Our first call of the year), she was still seemingly upset by the experience. She volunteered that she was frightened to either drive, or even go outside, after dark, which is not uncommon among people who ha e had recent UFO experiences.

(Note: Ships of quite similar shape have been reported to the Center from all over the country. In the upcoming February newsletter we will discuss similar cases reported from Denmark, WI, and Capitola, CA.) (Note--Over the last nine months, the Center has received a number of calls regarding alleged sightings of formations of large numbers of bizarre objects or lights in the sky. Among the most dramatic was an hour-long telephone report received on October 6, 1994, from southern Michigan, during which up to 50 (!) strange, round, brightly lighted objects were visible in the sky. The telephoned report was tape recorded, and is very dramatic.)

Brief Notes...

1) The call from Rodney, MI, on January 04 (Please see enclosed sighting-report summary) was rather convincing, and was quite similar to the sightings reported in McMinnville, TN, three days later. A mother and daughter reported witnessing up to a dozen delta-shaped craft hovering near their home, which appeared to be beaming "bluish" shafts of light down to the ground. The mother had called once before (16NO95) from Meceola County regarding a daytime sighting of a huge triangular ship, together with a "boiling cluster of little red things" nearby, along Interstate 31 in central Michigan. The Rodney, MI, police emergency dispatch center had called prior to the woman's call to apprise the Center in Seattle of the incident. Moreover, the incident was fu ther corroborated by a seemingly quite reliable source in Potoski, MI, who, with two other family members, had seen a similar (or same?) object further north in Michigan just prior to the sighting further south near Rodney. The reliability to these repor s, for various reasons, looks very good to us at the Center. The data are in the hands of investigators in Michigan.

National UFO Reporting Center - January 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - February 1995 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - March 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - April 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - April 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - June 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - July 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - August 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - September 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - October 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - November 95 Reports

National UFO Reporting Center - December 95 Reports

1/4/95 0:54 Rodney, MI Mother & daughter witness approx. 10 triangular obj. hovering in sky, beaming lights to ground. Calls 911.
1/5/95 17:30 Evart, MI Mother & son witness very bright light while driving. Stop car. Obj. splits into two "headlights," approaches car.
1/8/95 23:00 Horton, MI Young boy and friend witness red light in sky near home. Went to get parents, light extinguished.
1/17/95 23:45 Moorehead, MN Man, wife, and two police officers observe two red lights in night sky. Obj. followed a small aircraft.
1/23/95 23:42 Ladysmith, WI Rusk Co. Sheriff's office reports officer's observation of hovering light in SE sky. (Possible star?)
1/31/95 20:07 Mason, MI Airport manager calls to rept. receipt of bizarre UFO rept. from woman in nearby town.
1/31/95 20:10 Eaton Rapids, MI A mother, her children, neighbors, and an aunt witness a huge "X-shaped" object fly E to W overhead.
2/2/95 19:15 Denmark, WI Many witness strange craft streaking in night sky. Descended vertically very fast, hovered. Reptd. U.S. jets in pursuit. Bizarre.
2/2/95 20:00 Eastport, MI Retired NASA eng. sees large, white, bright obj. descend very fast to SSW. Emitted "vapors." Called Langley AFB.
2/2/95 20:10 Traverse City, MI 4 children report seeing disc above them; bathed them in white light. Missing time, clothes. Other observers. Dramatic.
2/3/95 21:30 Romulus, MI Two young males rept. seeing "WW II" style bomber fly overhead at treetop level. (Facts muddled.)
2/13/95 22:15 Cheboygan, MI Bizarre "aircraft" w/ 8-12 flashing lights flies silently over man's vehicle, turns, flies north. Many other sightings.
2/16/95 23:10 Kalamazoo, MI Former artillery officer witnesses 4-5 ships streaking E to W south of city. Flash w/atmospheric boom 5 hrs. earlier. Good rept.
2/16/95 23:15 PawPaw, MI Man & wife awakened by immensely loud roaring sound. See 5 bizarre craft hovering nearby in formation! Good rept..
2/16/95 23:45 Kalamazoo, MI Man report seeing multiple objects moving east (!). Watches them for five minutes. (See other sightings above.)
2/18/95 21:00 Kalamazoo, MI Man calls to rept. his mother saw strange light in sky. Details sketchy.(No follow-up call.)
2/19/95 0:05 Fargo, ND Red light seen over Fargo below clouds. Hovered for 10 min., faded, flashed, slowly moved east. Seen twice.
2/19/95 19:00 Fenton, MI Man repts. moving obj. w/ strange lights moving E to W. Hovered below overcast (?).
2/21/95 19:00 Council Bluffs, IA Young man sees 3 solid lights; pulls off highway. Sees gigantic, gray triangle w/ "archways." Good rept, excellent drawing.
3/8/95 22:00 Byron Center, MI Couple witnessed yellowish light descend into woods near house. Recurring sightings since 1979.
3/17/95 19:40 Flint, MI Five FAA controllers see 4 pulsing "clouds" of red light. Objects dart, zigzag, return light signal. Many 911 calls received.
3/23/95 22:25 Flint, MI Multiple FAA controllers experience 3rd sighting: 19FE, 17MR, 23MR. Obj. returned light signal; no radar sig.
3/30/95 19:30 Warren, MI Man calls to report woman's sighting. She had seen bright light 1-2 miles away; dims, then splits into 6 obj.
4/3/95 10:30 Haslett, MI Young boy witnesses two discs 50-60' from home. Takes polaroid photo of one w/ smoke trail. Good photo.
4/23/95 21:30 Hickory Corners, MI Woman hears strange, loud humming overhead, which ceases, then starts again. Looks up, sees multiple strange lights.
5/12/95 2:00 Madison, WI University of Wisconson students observe strange boot-like object in sky over Lake Mendota
5/30/95 4:45 Byron, MN Man witnesses birght obj. in E sky. It moves "strangely, fast," approached second "star," rose very quickly, disappeared. Alarmed.
6/14/95 1:35 Ann Arbor, MI Woman & friend witness "green ball of light" streak across sky, descend below overcast, & stop. Hovered, streaked off. Good rept.
6/19/95 22:00 Adair Co., IA 2 young men experience multiple sightings of bizarre, bright obj., which hover, streak, & land. Very bizarre; good report.
6/24/95 22:45 Sibley Co., MN Older woman alerted by barking dogs. Sees multiple bizarre, bright, colored spheres floating across farmyard. 2nd sighting.
7/26/95 22:30 Mason City, IA Woman repts. seeing peculiar star zigzagging across sky. Fifth sighting in a week.
7/28/95 14:00 Racine, WI Man & wife witness bizarre, very bright, silver-looking disc in clear sky. Obj. was joined suddenly by two identical craft.
7/29/95 2:00 Parshallville, MI Man & neighbor witness sudden bright flash on very clear night, followed by "contrail" rising vertically. Disappears from sight.
8/6/95 22:30 Kalamazoo, MI Two women driving 15 miles SE of city, encounter huge disc hovering almost motionless. Red, white, blue lights. Pain, marks on skin.
8/13/95 23:10 Coon Valley, WI Couple see a "bright blue, flickering light" through clouds. Assert it definitely is moving. (Possible celestial body?)
8/19/95 1:15 Forest Lake, MN Man wakes up w/ 2 strange cuts on cheek. Recalls recurring dream. Calls sheriff's office.
8/21/95 0:30 Dowling, MI Woman witnesses two lights in clear night sky. Colors were red, white, green, and blue. Moved slowly across sky. (Possible stars?)
8/21/95 2:00 LaCrosse, WI Trucker witnesses "big, orange ball" flying directly toward from the south. Obj. suddenly "split into 5 pieces," disappeared.
8/24/95 21:00 Battle Creek, MI Older woman reports witnessing "a square thing w/ a lot of lights" that descended out of night sky. (Facts incomplete.)
8/28/95 1:50 Mass City, MI Woman sees a "pecular light w/ a strange shadow." No sound. Repts. that State Patrol received multiple reports.
9/14/95 3:55 Mason, MI Woman sees small, white light--"like a giant lightning bug"--move along wind row of trees. Very bizarre.
9/25/95 20:00 Flushing, MI Man, wife, and son witness same obj.seen night before. With binoculars, obj. looks emerald, red, and brown.
9/25/95 21:18 Flushing, MI Man hears dog barking, goes outside, sees a bright "falling star." Looked like "a spider dropping on a string." (See 26SE95.)
10/1/95 12:00 Iowa City, IA Man witnesses 2 "white" aircraft rendezvous at high altitude, fly toward bizarre obj. approaching very fast. Obj. "sparkled."
10/2/95 19:50 Farmington, MN Man witnesses very small, VERY bright light descending rapidly in NE sky. Approx. 1/10 diameter of moon.
10/7/95 20:15 Muskegon, MI Man reports peculiar lights circling his residence. (Probable advertising lights.)
10/7/95 20:17 Wolf Lake, MI Woman repts. "4 to 6 UFO's going in circle, coming together" near her house. Was alarmed by "sighting." (Prob. advertising lights.)
10/9/95 Iowa City, IA Man repts. witnessing "flash, followed by a classic UFO, w/ a tailfin at back." Red color on top half of tailfin. Became triangular.
10/10/95 19:45 Milwaukee, WI Man on Hwy 43 SW of Milwaukee sees large, bright blue light streak by his car, descend, turn, cross road ahead, strobe. Bizarre!
10/14/95 22:30 Madison, WI Co. emerg. dispatch relays sighting of "pointed, oval obj." by family of 4. When bright light dimmed, "spikes sticking out" visible.
10/18/95 18:45 Grass Lake, MI Man & wife witness "large white luminous ball w/ bright blue tail" descend from W to E in N sky. Moved very rapidly. Good rpt.
11/18/95 1:15 Muskegon, MI Woman repts. daughter encountered intensely bright red, triangular obj. sitting on side of road. Obj. rose, disappeared suddenly.
11/19/95 18:00 Trenton, IA Young man hunting sees two peculiar bright lights hovering in sky, "like planets." Suddenly they flashed, changed color, moved.
12/1/95 17:20 Waukesha, WI Woman in car witnesses "shooting star" descend vertically, suddenly stop, suddenly shoot of horizontally. Multiple lights on it.
12/1/95 22:55 Owosso, MI Pilot, former FAA controller, sees 5 "pinkish" small lights in clear area of sky, arranged in precise staggered-V formation, streak.